Australians for National Sovereignty
ANSOV - An Australian political party for the protection of Australia's sovereignty and independence
Constitutional Reform
Tax reform
Responsible immigration
Real solutions to our cost of living and housing crises
Election of the Govenor-General by the Australian people
Replace our head of state
to provide a political movement for
the protection of Australia’s sovereignty, so that Australians may engage in political resistance to the ongoing subjugation of our people
the pursuance of enduring sovereignty, prosperity, freedom and peace for Australia and all her people
Restore and protect
Australians for National Sovereignty believe that a sovereign Australia is worth fighting to restore and protect
Each freedom

We believe that each Australian’s freedom, each family’s freedom, and our collective freedom, is worth fighting to restore and protect
Government is the servant of people
Australians for National Sovereignty recognise that government is an administrative body politic only. We recognise and understand that government and its institutions must at all times, and without exception, be the servant of the people
Strength, security and prosperity
ANSOV believes that government’s sole purpose is to deliver strength, security and enduring prosperity to the people. Strength, security and enduring prosperity of the Australian people can only be delivered through National identity and unity, and the just, strategic and rationally coordinated development and use of our commonwealth of resource
Free and healthy
Australians for National Sovereignty requires that the primary purpose of government is to build, maintain and protect the infrastructure and services that are essential to building, maintaining and protecting an enduring prosperous, just and independent nation, a nation comprised of free and healthy people, free and healthy families and free and healthy communities
Family is important
Australians for National Sovereignty know that the foundation and bedrock of a free and prosperous Australian nation is the family unit, and we require that the primary purpose of government is to nurture and protect each Australian family
Soul development
Australians for National Sovereignty know that a rich society is one where each soul is free to explore, develop and express their divine purpose in life. The unhindered expression of the divine is illuminated by freedom and peace
Australians for National Sovereignty are grounded in the philosophy that expression of the
divine comes when one is healthy of mind, healthy of body and healthy of soul
No subjugate and control
Australians for National Sovereignty resist those that subjugate and control through oppressive governance and economics. Such corrupted types, whether they be foreign or domestic, are the enemy of all free people and thus the enemy of humanity
Make the right choice right now
Together we can make Australia a great country!
Business address: street, number, city, state, ZIP code
+1 (999) 999-9999
Australians for National Sovereignty © 2025